Intéressez-vous au CAP

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Messages : 7857
Enregistré le : 25 mai 2010, 22:07
Localisation : Lévis, QC
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Connaissez-vous le Canadian Action Party (CAP)?

Il s'agit d'un parti politique canadien, en bonne et due forme, qui dénonce les banquiers corrompus et les globalistes qui font un mal incalculable à notre pays et à tous ses citoyens.

Que ce soit: nous sommes en guerre économique, sociale et militaire à cause des globalistes qui, depuis les paradis fiscaux (offshore) et avec la complicité de leurs serviteurs-banquiers et autres "pions" influents, voient à l'enrichissement unilatéral des élites via l'appauvrissement programmé —via l'endettement public et privé— des Canadiens.

Ce qui a présentement cours est très sérieux et ce sera encore pire pour nos enfants si nous refusons de dénoncer l'actuelle vampirisation des institutions canadiennes par les transnationales étrangères et le rapt de notre monnaie, sans oublier la corruption rampante dans les classes politiques.

Les gens doivent comprendre qu'il n'y a plus de lien de confiance qui vaille lorsque la politique officielle des gouvernements, c'est de tout garder secret et de ne négocier les vrais enjeux que derrière des portes closes. Ça n'a plus de sens.

C'est pour ces raisons que je vous invite à ouvrir vos horizons, au plan politique, pour y inclure le Canadian Action Party, un parti qui aimerait bien avoir plus de membres, au Québec.

Voici un message que Tim McCormick, leur directeur exécutif, a fait suivre aux membres:
  • On tuesday February 8th at 8pm EST we will be having a phone in conference call to discuss agenda items and procedures for CAP Action Day March 5th. Feel free to join in the conversation if you have some ideas you wish to discuss and if you are organizing your own CAP Regional meeting for that day. The call in number is (712) 432-3900 ext 819019#

    I leave you with a call to action by CAP's Executive Director, Tim McCormick. I would like to take this time to thank Tim for his dedicated work that he has done as role of Executive Director this last year. CAP has undergone some major changes. It is individual's passion for Canada, like Tim's, that keep the values and importance of the Canadian Action Party going.

    I hope that these words empower you for all of us to do our part on behalf of Canada. Thank you for your dedication to CAP in making Change for Canada!

    Christopher Porter

    To all members of the Canadian Action Party,

    I know that all members of this party love this country and it is with a heavy heart, we see it slowly cede sovereignty to the corporate interests. We must take action as the future of our children, grandchildren, friends, fellow citizens, and the country itself hang in the balance.

    It is time for CAP to grow. The message that we have been spreading since 1997rings truer today than ever before. People are waking up to the corrupt world we live in and realize that Canada is playing a part in it. Canadians are looking for a party espousing our values and we are going to bring it to them.

    I accepted the position as Executive Director of this party over a year ago because I believed the party was about to go bankrupt and fade into non-existence. It was my belief that the platform of this party, built on our existing common sense policies, could save this country. I felt it my duty to do all could to help CAP through to better days. I took this position without reservation.

    The party is now on a better footing, the foundation has been secured and now it is time to build a house. Our message should not dwell on the negatives nor should we have to show the negative side of our detractors or opponents. We have answers that will provide hope, build alliances and gain the support of Canadians. Our message will be positive.

    Canada’s Problems CAP’s Solution

    • $518,000,000,000 debt Use the Bank of Canada
    • Loss of Sovereignty Abrogate NAFTA, abort CETA
    • War In Afghanistan Troops home IMMEDIATELY! (Canada needs anti-war voice)
    • Political Reform Free Vote (non-platform issues)
    • Jury Senate
    • University Debt Fund from Bank of Canada
    We should envision a plan for a state of the art light rail/magnetic system to take both people and goods across the country from St. John’s, NF to Vancouver, BC. This could all be funded through the Bank of Canada, as all large infrastructure projects can be according to their own mandate. It would created employment from coast to coast and once finished would leave us with one of the finest rail systems in the world. This would look great on a CAP platform. We can win support through the use of our own policies.

    We are about to meet from coast to coast in March to discuss plans for a convention, the formation of Electoral District Associations EDA’s (formerly known as riding associations) and general organization. Hopefully there will not be an election this spring so we can start our summer tour in St. John’s, NF without hitch. From there we will head west and CAP will grow as we move.

    We need to get together with people in our area. We need to form EDA’s and have the EDA’s find and groom candidates that agree with CAP’s policies and will fight for them. We need to get out and have “Action Days”, spreading the word of CAP by handing out flyers and talking to people about our plan for Canada, about the Bank of Canada, the detriment of NAFTA and the war in Afghanistan.

    Harper has already suspended parliament twice and appointed new senators while parliament was suspended. By doing this the Conservative government managed to pass a bill entitled “An Act Respecting The Safety of Consumer Products”. This bill had already failed on three different occasions in the last three sessions because it was a bill designed to empower a whole new policing force to further deny citizens of their slowly eroding civil rights . No Harper and his friends control the House and the Senate and the corporate control is complete. This is one of many examples. How much will Canadians stand for, and more importantly, how much will you stand for?

    The Canadian Action Party is not small any longer. We will soon have the grassroots people in place that will be able to build up the EDA’s in their region. The infrastructure is being put in place to accommodate the quick growth in the near future. Expenses have been kept to a bare minimum for the past year awaiting the reorganization of the party. This is now done and we are ready to proceed.

    We have a great responsibility and must endeavour to work tirelessly to take the Canadian Action Party to prominence in this country and put a stop to this utter nonsense.

    Our policies are simple and common sense. They say “Don’t pay you mortgage with your credit card”. Canadians understand this, and because they do, CAP can make huge inroads in 2011.

    Maybe once in your life comes a chance to make a difference. To do something honourable in service to others that gives meaning to life. Maybe this is that moment and maybe this is your call to action.

    In solidarity,

    Tim McCormick
    Executive Director
    Canadian Action Party
Claude Gélinas, Éditeur

Blogues: Montréal | Québec | Lévis | Emploi | Éducation | Placements | Transports
Dons: PayPal | DonorBox Web: Achetez vos noms de domaines au plus bas prix...
Avatar du membre
Messages : 7857
Enregistré le : 25 mai 2010, 22:07
Localisation : Lévis, QC
Contact :

Ceux qui s'intéressent au CAP seront heureux de recevoir une lettre d'information, à chaque lundi, dans leur boîte de courriel.

Pour vous abonner, visitez cette page et cliquez sur "Subscribe to our Newsletter".

Voici la première lettre d'information...
  • In the interest of spreading issues that solidify why the Canadian Action Party is necessary and important for Canada, I have started " CAP's Monday Madness". This will be a weekly email that includes articles that you think are important for the Party to be aware of.

    The views and opinions expressed in these emails may not coincide with any official Policies or stances of the Party but they have been deemed as important to the member that has sent them and so they are important to the Party to be aware of.

    CAP is founded on its strength of its member's that all wish for a more sovereign Canada, one that protects our civil liberties as is our right as a democratic nation.

    Being the first week, I have only a few to share, but feel free to email me your link of the week for upcoming weeks. Please include "CAP's Monday Madness" in the subject line and limit it to one link per week to give everybody a chance to share their concerns.


    Christopher Porter - Leader to ensure CAP is... Change for Canada![/color]
Claude Gélinas, Éditeur

Blogues: Montréal | Québec | Lévis | Emploi | Éducation | Placements | Transports
Dons: PayPal | DonorBox Web: Achetez vos noms de domaines au plus bas prix...