Dites non au libre-échance avec l'Europe

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Enregistré le : 25 mai 2010, 22:07
Localisation : Lévis, QC
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Déjà qu'on se fait avoir, aller-retour, avec l'ALÉNA qui nous force à obéir aux décisions des "partenaires" de l'accord, là, Jean Charest et Stephen Harper —en même temps— veulent nous imposer un nouvel accord de libre-échange, avec l'Europe.

Il s'agit d'une attaque DIRECTE contre nos libertés et nos entreprises locales.

Voici une nouvelle, provenant de la "National Farmers Union", basé à Saskatoon, qui en dit long sur la subversion de l'accord de libre-échange qui est pressenti pour nous réduire à l'esclavage, tout en nous faisant croire que "c'est bon pour nous"...
  • National Office
    2717 Wentz Ave.
    Saskatoon, Sask., S7K 4B6
    Tel (306) 652-9465
    Fax (306) 664-6226


    October 22nd, 2010

    NFU Joins Ottawa Rally Against Canada–EU Trade Agreement

    OTTAWA, ONTARIO ─ Today, National Farmers Union (NFU) President Terry Boehm and fellow farmers are in Ottawa to participate in the Council of Canadians rally to oppose the Canada – European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) negotiations. “The CETA agreement eliminates democratic rights of farmers and citizens,” said Boehm.

    The fifth round of the negotiations between the European Union and the Canadian Government is taking place this week in Ottawa. Canadians are largely unaware of the Agreement and what is being ceded to the demands of the European Union. Canada has very little to gain in the Agreement as European Union tariffs average only 2%. “The NFU objective is to inform farmers and citizens what is being bargained away and to have the agreement scrapped,” stated Boehm.

    Canadian farmers will lose a great deal and be subject to draconian intellectual property rights enforcement measures. CETA will eliminate the age old practice of farmers to save, reuse, exchange, and sell seed from their crops. “Using farm saved seed could cost you your farm. The farmer’s land, equipment, and crops can be seized for an alleged infringement of intellectual property rights attached to plant varieties owned by global seed corporations such as Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta,” said Boehm. “Canada’s dairy, poultry, and egg supply management will also be at risk,” Boehm added.

    “The NFU has joined other social justice organizations at the rally to raise the alarm over CETA’s threat to our democratic rights. Under CETA, our elected governments and public institutions will be prohibited from favouring local food and locally owned businesses and services. The local preference ban includes our municipalities, cities, towns, schools and hospitals,” stated Boehm.

    Product and food safety will be at risk as Canadian standards cannot exceed international standards. Imported products and food cannot be inspected until after a problem has occurred. Canada must accept any of the European Union 27 member countries’ certificates. If one province or territory accepts a European Union product, all provinces and territories are banned from refusing the product.

    “One only has to look at the results of Canada’s slavish support of global trade over the last twenty years to see the results. Canada’s farmers have tripled exports but farm debt has tripled to $64 billion. Realized net farm income from the markets has been negative since 2002,” argued Boehm.

    “The NFU calls on all farmers and citizens to stop this march over the cliff, by informing their elected officials at all levels, that CETA, a global corporate bill of rights, must not be tolerated,” concluded Boehm.


    For more information please contact:

    Terry Boehm, President, NFU (306) 230-7632
    Ross Hinther, Director of Research, NFU (306) 652-9465

    For background information please refer to the NFU website nfu.ca for CETA Facts and copy of the draft CETA agreement.
Il faut s'opposer au CETA car ce n'est qu'un immense piège pour nous forcer à accepter les comportements prédateurs des transnationales étrangères comme étant admis et encouragés — ce qui n'a aucun sens, pour nous!

Sérieusement, chers Amis, nos libertés s'estompent avec chaque nous accord de "libre échange"...
Claude Gélinas, Éditeur

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