Sommes-nous surveillés à distance?

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Enregistré le : 25 mai 2010, 22:07
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La surveillance neuronale à distance pourrait bien avoir été déployée depuis les années 1980, lors du projet Star Wars qui était, selon l'auteur de cet article, probablement un prétexte pour installer un tel mécanisme, dans l'espace.

Après tout, pour Big Brother, le fait de pouvoir surveiller tout le monde, en tout temps et en tout lieu a ses avantages — surtout qu'avec les technologies dont il est réputé disposé, l'observateur (le gouvernement américain ou le nouvel ordre mondial, c'est selon) a les moyens pour INFLUER sur les pensées de l'individu surveillé.

C'est dingue (en apparence, seulement) et pourtant, ça vaut la peine d'être lu...
  • What information can remote neural monitoring pick up?

    Posted by Jeremy on 23rd May 2010

    One desired outcome of the psychological warfare waged against a targeted individual is the discreditation of the target. The targeted individual will be made aware of things that the general public assumes to be impossible, or that don’t happen to “nobodies” like him; the target’s insistence on facts his associates think they know not to be true helps discredit him in their eyes. Remote neural monitoring is one of those things that “everyone knows” either can’t possibly exist, or is never used against middle aged nobodies.

    Remote neural monitoring, described briefly in the Electronic Harassment section, has a few advantages over traditional forms of surveillance. First, it is “passive” – meaning the listener does not have to risk detection by probing the target’s area or placing electronic listening devices in his vicinity. Second, the electromagnetic activity being monitored is at low frequencies, meaning the radio waves pass through most obstacles and hundreds of miles of atmosphere with little interference. Third, the surveillance picks up high quality and real-time information about the person of interest’s location, focus of attention, and plans; it is an essential tool in psychological warfare campaigns directed at a single person.

    To move this article along, I’ll assume what many targets already know – that remote neural monitoring is computer-mediated, and that the target’s neural activity can be processed into human-readable form, enabling digital processing and play-back to the target or an observer.

    Some targets believe, based on the ability of their harassers to get at their past history and memories, that there is some sort of remote brain scan capability which doesn’t depend on the target thinking about his past. There’s a handful of alternative (and simpler) explanations:

    • The target might have been singled out a long time before his targeting was made obvious, and would have been under surveillance all that time.
    • Everyone is under this kind of surveillance all the time, and when an individual is targeted, his record is turned over to the person or persons managing his case.
    • Information about the target’s background was gathered through conventional means, and he was interrogated subliminally about key events in his life (read on).
    Further supporting the notion that widespread remote neural monitoring capabilities have been in place for a long time, undesirables started getting targeted en masse in 2001. The infrastructure might have been put into place as early as the 1980′s, with the Strategic Defense Initiative (“star wars”) being a cover story to get advanced surveillance technology and/or mind-control weaponry into orbit.

    The basics
    • Remote sensory monitoring: If you see it, hear it, or feel it, your observer is picking it up. Every sensation you’re conscious of is processed by your brain. Not only are they getting what’s in your field of vision, but what you’re looking at, via eyeball tracking.
    • Conscious verbal thoughts: If you think sentences, not only is your observer getting those sentences, but they’re automatically converted into text for further processing.
    • Visualization: Again, if there’s a picture or movie in your mind’s eye, the observer is getting it.
    • Your location and position of your limbs: I’ve gone over this before. Your observer doesn’t need a visual fix on you to get precise information about where you are in your residence and what you’re up to. All this information is coming from what your nervous system is broadcasting.
    Subconscious verbal thoughts

    Here’s where we begin to merge science with psychological operations. The ability to pick up subconscious thoughts will often be exaggerated, as an intimidation tactic, and as a way of tricking the target into revealing the significance of something his harassers noticed him paying attention to.

    However, it is likely the case that stereotypical thought processes are associated with common phrases in most people’s minds. So as a target idly lets his thoughts follow the path of least resistance, those phrases are triggered, forming incomplete sentences, and picked up.

    Subconscious verbal thoughts are apparently at a much higher rate of effective speech than conscious verbal thoughts. For example, I’ve been treated to a unique harassment episode (an “everything you do, we can do better” psychological operation belittling my interest in neural interfaces) in which several capabilities, including subconscious verbal thought monitoring and voice morphing, were demonstrated; my verbal thoughts were echoed and distorted before I could fully formulate them.

    This capability is also used to alert the target’s watchers to every single word he notices or reads, in real time.
    Subliminal interrogation

    Using the above techniques in combination with well-timed stimuli, the target can be interrogated without even realizing he’s being interrogated. These stimuli may be strategically-placed objects the target’s attention is drawn to, messages placed in television or radio shows, web pages the target views, or even subliminal messages delivered directly to his mind.

    Mass surveillance

    The preferred location for a neural surveillance device is far away from any possible sources of RF interference or tampering, but positioned so as to be able to read a target’s thoughts no matter where he goes. The ideal location, therefore, would be in near-earth orbit (NEO); the dozens of miles of atmosphere between the target and the device would filter out everything but low frequency radio signals (note that neural signals are at ultra-low frequencies).

    Once the neural surveillance device is built and put into place, it is in position to surveil not just targeted individuals, but everyone. Why wouldn’t the owners of the device want to watch as many people as possible?

    While it is not clear that real time mass visual surveillance and processing is feasible today, the really valuable information picked up from the general populations’ thought processes (meta information indicating what is significant to each person) is at a much lower bit rate, at most a few kilobits per second per individual, which is well within the processing and data warehousing abilities of the NSA and other major intelligence agencies.

    Just as Echelon has been data-mining the world’s phone conversations on a large scale for decades, so too would mass neural surveillance pick up valuable information from everyone. Most people take it for granted that this kind of information can’t possibly be gathered. The assumption of guaranteed privacy makes the information all the more valuable, and this assumption also intensifies the shock when a target realizes it isn’t private.[/color]
Il faut penser, ne serait-ce qu'un instant que si cette technologie existe et qu'elle est présentement utilisée contre nous, les conséquences dépassent l'entendement.

Au moins, vous aurez lu l'article et pourrez vous faire votre propre idée...
Claude Gélinas, Éditeur

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