La militarisation des Olympiques

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Messages : 7858
Enregistré le : 25 mai 2010, 22:07
Localisation : Lévis, QC
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Vous en avez entendu parler, les Olympiques 2012 de Londres ont tout à voir avec la militarisation... à outrance!

Des armes d'une puissance complètement démesurée sont déployés à quelques pieds de résidences et surtout, des athlètes et de leurs supporteurs. Du pure délire!

Pour vous aider à vous faire propre idée, vous êtes invités à lire cet article —fortement illustré— du Mail Online.

Afin de vous faciliter la tâches, quelques images sont reprises ici...
Fichiers joints
As HMS Ocean turns in the Thames 150 sailors and aircrew recreate the Olympic Rings on the flight deck to mark the start of the ship's Olympic deployment
As HMS Ocean turns in the Thames 150 sailors and aircrew recreate the Olympic Rings on the flight deck to mark the start of the ship's Olympic deployment
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Spectacular site: The enormous helicopter carrier HMS Ocean towers over residential flats in east London, close to the Isle of Dogs
Spectacular site: The enormous helicopter carrier HMS Ocean towers over residential flats in east London, close to the Isle of Dogs
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Ready for action: A fearsome Lance Corporal - who cannot be named for security reasons - a trained sniper with the a high-ranking regiment, shows what he will be doing throughout the Games
Ready for action: A fearsome Lance Corporal - who cannot be named for security reasons - a trained sniper with the a high-ranking regiment, shows what he will be doing throughout the Games
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Deadly: These troops and thousands more will use all their specialist training to deal with threats at London 2012
Deadly: These troops and thousands more will use all their specialist training to deal with threats at London 2012
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In action: The pair will be two of thousands who will be in Britain aiming to ensure that London 2012 is safe from terror attacks
In action: The pair will be two of thousands who will be in Britain aiming to ensure that London 2012 is safe from terror attacks
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An aerial view of a British military missile battery next to a reservoir on the Lea Valley in east London, part of the defenses for the Games. The line of defence is just yards from family homes
An aerial view of a British military missile battery next to a reservoir on the Lea Valley in east London, part of the defenses for the Games. The line of defence is just yards from family homes
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Ring of steel: A British military missile battery on Blackheath common in south London, is surrounded by a metal fence
Ring of steel: A British military missile battery on Blackheath common in south London, is surrounded by a metal fence
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A soldier runs across the banks of the William Girling reservior towards the anti-aircraft gun as armed police look on - as training continues just yards from peoples back gardens anti-aircraft missiles point skywards
A soldier runs across the banks of the William Girling reservior towards the anti-aircraft gun as armed police look on - as training continues just yards from peoples back gardens anti-aircraft missiles point skywards
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Service: Military personnel walk past the iconic Olympic rings in the park today. Many soldiers had been expecting a summer break but are now having to work to secure the Olympics
Service: Military personnel walk past the iconic Olympic rings in the park today. Many soldiers had been expecting a summer break but are now having to work to secure the Olympics
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A legal bid by the residents of the Fred Wigg tower, in Leytonstone, pictured, to stop the installing of surface-to-air missiles was dropped after the High Court rejected the challenge yesterday
A legal bid by the residents of the Fred Wigg tower, in Leytonstone, pictured, to stop the installing of surface-to-air missiles was dropped after the High Court rejected the challenge yesterday
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Security: Surface-to-air missiles have been installed at a number of sites across the capital, including this Rapier missile system on Blackheath Common
Security: Surface-to-air missiles have been installed at a number of sites across the capital, including this Rapier missile system on Blackheath Common
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Armed: Blackheath Common was chosen because of its strategic location to the Olympic site
Armed: Blackheath Common was chosen because of its strategic location to the Olympic site
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How the numbers stack up...
How the numbers stack up...
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Claude Gélinas, Éditeur

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Messages : 7858
Enregistré le : 25 mai 2010, 22:07
Localisation : Lévis, QC
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Les coûts pour les Olympiques sont HORS DE CONTRÔLE et ce n'est PAS VRAI que les sponsors paient leur "juste part", en regard de leur omniprésente visibilité.

Les jeux sont payés PAR LES CITOYENS... même ceux qui ne voulaient pas être endettés par ce "piège à cons" où seuls les organisateurs du CIO et leurs collaborateurs s'enrichissent, éhontément!

Voici un extrait qui en dit long d'un article publié dans le blogue Edge of Sports...
None of this comes cheap. Londoners were told that the Olympics would cost £2.4 billion.

Projections that include ballooning infrastructure costs are now looking at £24 billion, ten times the original bid’s estimate. They were told that the games would be funded with a “public-private partnership,” but the “private” end is now picking up less than 2 percent of the tab.

In such an atmosphere, protest is inevitable, but the people coming out on July 28 are angry about more than militarization and debt.

There are other issues drawing people into London’s privatized public square.
Hallucinant, non?

Les "grands médias' tentent, par tous les moyens, de faire croire que les commanditaires sont "essentiels" à la tenue des jeux alors qu'ils ne sont que les parasites qui justifient la démesure et ce, via une logique tordue d'exclusivité commerciale, durant les jeux (et après, bien sûr).

Vous croyez encore que les Olympiques ont quelque chose à voir avec l'esprit sportif? Évidemment que non, c'est une grosse passe de ca$h, pour une élite arrogante, sur le dos des citoyens!

Et pour ceux que ça chatouillerait, on ne veut PAS d'Olympiques à Québec... on est déjà assez endettés comme ça!
Fichiers joints
filthy_2012_olympics.jpg (95.39 Kio) Vu 2202 fois
Claude Gélinas, Éditeur

Blogues: Montréal | Québec | Lévis | Emploi | Éducation | Placements | Transports
Dons: PayPal | DonorBox Web: Achetez vos noms de domaines au plus bas prix...